Leadership Montana Blog: Gratitude a message from Chantel Schieffer
March 31, 2023
Forming, again
May 31, 2023


Message from president/CEO Chantel Schieffer

While this is written to a specific audience, I hope that anyone reading sees a glimpse of the magic contained in this group. 

From the moment we met you in Big Sky, we knew you were a special collection of Montanans. During our first Big Hello, you captured our attention and we were honored to spend this year with you.

By our third session, we started to understand the reality of our dear Jerry’s health and were fearful of the future. At the same time, I announced that I would be “graduating” alongside you as I gave up my post as President and CEO. You captured our trust.

When 2023 flipped the calendar page, everything changed for me and a period of deep sadness and stress overwhelmed me. You did what you have always done…you held us, and you captured our hearts.

You pushed us, and you held us at the same time. You made us grow in our abilities, our teamwork, and our leadership. You did that. You lit our hearts afire again, and captured our imagination.

From you, I learned to laugh again. To live and love again. To give and give again (a little Foo Fighters inspo there for you). Because of you, I fully grew into me. I cannot thank you enough for these eight months that will forever be etched on my heart and mind.

Now, my kind friends…go forth and GSD, knowing that I am always in your corner, always on your team, always by your side.