Celebrate Montana: Homecoming for Leaders
February 27, 2024
Lanny Hubbard, Helena, Class of 2007
A Letter from Lanny Hubbard
Helena, MT – Masters Class Associate Trainer, Flagship Class of 2007, Masters Class of 2019
All people behave according to their beliefs about themselves, other people, and the world. How and what we “think” and “believe” – which are filtered through our own experiences – lead to our choices, decisions, and actions. If we intentionally change how we “think” and open our minds to new perspectives and possibilities, then we, as leaders, can achieve limitless personal and organizational growth. The Masters Class has been an incredible object lesson in the power of changing how we think and consequently behave as leaders. Focused and intentional self-reflection on personal values brings clarity to what’s most important to us as people and as leaders of organizations. Doing so improves the clarity and quality of communication, vision, and purpose of “why” we do what we do. In short, it enhances the ability to act with consistency, clarity, and integrity. This is what people want most from their leaders. While some people may be considered “natural” leaders, most of us are not. The good news is that we can develop into effective leaders by learning and applying well-defined principles that are proven to elevate not only personal but organizational performance.
Something truly amazing happens when a small group of Leadership Montana alumni get together—whether informally or, in this case, formally—as participants in Leadership Montana’s Masters Class. You can feel the energy of reconnection with fellow alumni as they risk vulnerability and learning in public and explore together the value of shared learning. It’s been an honor to be a part of the Masters Class experience both as a class member and as a co-facilitator of the current class with two excellent facilitators, Jen Davis, and Casey Wolfe.