Leadership Montana Classroom Reflection: Indigenous Immersion Initiative Reflection: John Morrison, Helena, Class of 2005 and III 2022
Masters Class Session: Mike Cloninger
February 27, 2024
Flagship Session: Nicole Rush
March 26, 2024


Lisa Koshi, Glasgow, Flagship Class of 2019, Masters 2024

Masters Class Reflection

Lisa Koshi, Glasgow, Flagship Class of 2019, Masters 2024

Our second meeting with the Masters Class took place in Dillon, MT, a place I personally have never been to before. However, one of my favorite parts of the program is getting to see different parts of our great state, all unique in their own way. Each time I travel “literally” across the entire state of Montana, I am in awe of its beauty, wonder, and breathtaking scenery.

The Masters program has come into my life, it seems, at the perfect time. Something that I really needed but did not realize how much until the class began.  A continuation of the principles based on Gracious Space, we are diving deeper into our interpersonal selves. The Leadership Practices Index (LPI) takes us on our own personal journeys of self-reflection of our strengths and weaknesses and how others perceive those. Pushing growth, embracing vulnerability, and helping to make us better individuals.  We are defining our own personal values and beliefs, while building collaborative relationships amongst our teams and communities. The Masters Class has provided us with the tools to start the process of establishing our team’s values and inspire them to share that common vision.

Since 2020, we have all been tested as individuals in all realms of our lives. Each of our communities needs stronger leaders to help navigate the diversity we see in our daily lives. As leaders, we all have different leadership styles, and we need to adapt those styles within our teams.

This program has been a gift to me, and I admire and respect all my classmates doing great things for our state and communities.