Leadership Montana Classroom Reflection: Stephen Schreibeis, Glendive, Class of 2021 and Masters 2022
Masters Class Session 1: Stacey Anderson
January 31, 2022
Flagship Session: Leslie Southworth
February 28, 2022


Kelly Cresswell, Helena, Class of 2006, Masters 2022


Session 2 

Kelly Cresswell, Helena, Class of 2006, Masters 2022

Our second Masters Class session provided real-time opportunities to practice the lessons of The Leadership Challenge:

  • We Challenged the Process when COVID challenges required a change in plans. Originally, we were planning to meet in Miles City, in person. However, quite a few class members expressed that they would not be able to meet in person that week. Jen Davis took the initiative in anticipating and responding to this challenge, and instead, delivered an excellent session over Zoom. Jen Doty and Katie Dasinger further challenged the process, by meeting together in Sidney for the Zoom session.
  • We Enabled Others to Act by actively listening to diverse points of view among our class members, and treating one another with dignity and respect. Zoom breakouts provided an opportunity to develop cooperative relationships among class members, and the virtual delivery provided all of us great freedom and choice in deciding where we wanted to be during the class session. In fact, it allowed Mary Walks Over Ice to be with her new granddaughter, Uma, during our session. Mary shared pictures, and Uma is adorable!
  • We Encouraged the Heart throughout our three days together, continually recognizing one another for contributions to class discussions, and sharing ideas and experiences. Jen facilitated a great activity, randomly assigning a classmate’s name to each of us. We then identified three qualities we see in that person, and shared them with the class. This was a simple, powerful example of recognizing the uniqueness of each person, and publicly recognizing him or her. We celebrated Rachel Buswell’s new job, and shared our concern for classmates who had recently experienced losses. Even though we were virtual, we still deepened our connections.

We are looking forward to meeting in Helena – in person – in April, and quite a few members of the Masters Class of 2022 will be at the Red Lodge Confluence in March. Will we see you there?

Masters 22, “You’re the best! You’re the best! You’re the best!”