The Leading Edge: Hope - a message from Chantel Schieffer
May 31, 2022
July 31, 2022


Message from President/CEO Chantel Schieffer

Whether we know it or not – or admit it or not – we are all prone to working so hard for so long that we find ourselves in various stages of burnout. This is a real and growing problem amongst leaders across the globe.

In our “hustle harder” culture, no one is immune from feelings of stress, overwhelm, confusion, lack of motivation, and more. And when we ignore these issues, they can fester to a point of damaging behavior, poor work performance, and toxic work environments.

It is incumbent upon all of us – wherever we land in an organizational structure – to be mindful of these ways that burnout shows up in ourselves and those around us.

Emotional signs and symptoms of burnout

  • Sense of failure and self-doubt
  • Feeling helpless, trapped, and defeated
  • Detachment, feeling alone in the world
  • Loss of motivation
  • Increasingly cynical and negative outlook
  • Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

Workplace burnout has become so prevalent that the Mayo Clinic has created these tools for helping manage this health crisis.

I see the signs and symptoms of burnout too often in my social circles, with professional colleagues including LMT alumni, on my own team, and when I look in the mirror. Especially right now, it seems unavoidable. The good news is that when we pay attention to what is happening with those around us – and in ourselves – we can talk about it and change it.

I have spent the last month in extended vacation mode because I recognized that I needed rest. I needed to reset after an extended period of time operating in crisis mode. So do you. So do all of us. If you are struggling right now, please know that you are not alone.

Friends, I ask you to seriously consider examining burnout and how it may be showing up in and around you. In July, we have a stellar “Beating Burnout” training in Helena with nationally acclaimed leadership coach Colene Elridge. I hope you can join us.

Please know that we are here to help you and your team overcome this or any other challenge so that you can work best together. We are here for you. Always.

Be well and lead well,

Chantel M. Schieffer
President & CEO
Class of 2010, Masters 2019