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Terri Cheff, Bonner, Class of 2020 and Masters 2023

Masters Class Reflection

Session 2

Terri Cheff, Bonner, Class of 2020 and Masters 2023

We started our second LMT Masters session by holding space for Dr. Gerald Evans, who passed away in January after a battle with cancer.  “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”  Jerry was a great teacher. I am grateful for the days I spent with him during my Flagship class and our first Masters session at Big Sky. His authenticity, optimism, and determination to live each day to its fullest was inspiring. I remember a classmate asking, “What does support look like for you, Jerry” and he said, ‘When people want to love you, let them.”  So, we loved him then, we love him now, and we will forever.

During our session, we were asked to write our leadership philosophy, starting with our core values and ‘I believe’ statements. The well-known core value exercises have always been hard for me. Maybe it’s the touchy-feely side of it; maybe it’s the uncomfortable vulnerability and honesty; maybe it’s because it’s primarily emotional, not logical. Whatever it is, it’s hard; very hard for me. But there was a breakthrough this session and things are slowly, stubbornly coming into focus thanks to my LMT teachers and classmates.

Jerry shared in Big Sky, “One day, we all die. All the others you don’t. So live life fully.”  With deep connections and rich conversations, our class is doing as he asked. The allotment of time for our master’s course is brief and fleeting, and we aren’t taking one moment for granted.  I can’t wait for our next session in White Sulphur Springs.