The Leading Edge: Hope - a message from Chantel Schieffer
September 30, 2022
Supporting Leadership Montana
November 30, 2022

Braver Conversations

Message from President/CEO Chantel Schieffer

Every two years, I meet Election Day with the excitement and anticipation of a kid on Christmas. After months of researching the positions and values of candidates, Election Day often gives me a sense of hope for the future we co-create together as citizens.

Simply put, I love Democracy and the process of electing our leaders. Always have, and I hope I always will.

What I don’t love is the cringe-worthy vitriolic rhetoric and behavior of candidates and we the people. The political landscape changes the way we might normally treat each other. This is one of the many reasons why our organization was founded – to help bring more civility to our citizenry.

At Leadership Montana, we work hard to give our members tools to navigate tough conversations through Gracious Space and other conversation models like those provided through Braver Angels, a national effort of Red and Blue voters coming together to unite and depolarize America.

I want to share with you a few of the upcoming opportunities to sharpen your skills of leaning into hard conversations with curiosity and respect. As we approach the holiday season, these tools may help us navigate conversations at the dinner table, water cooler, and beyond.

Depolarize yourself. Learn how to be critical without demonizing, dismissing, or stereotyping large swaths of the population in this workshop.

✅ Sign up for Depolarizing Within November 12 at 12 p.m. Mountain

Trading news. Braver Angels of Texas and Washington state are presenting a workshop designed to get you out of your “echo chamber” by sampling the other side’s news consumption.

✅ Sign up for Walk a Mile In My News November 13 at 2 p.m. Mountain

Yes you can. Learn practical skills for having difficult political conversations across the divide, including paraphrasing, “I statements,” and more.

✅ Sign up for Skills for Bridging the Divide November 26 at 12 p.m. Mountain

Learn from a real-life conversation.

🎧 Listen to How To! Podcast: How to Talk Politics With Your Dad

What are the limits to curious conversation?

🎧 Listen to The Village Square: I Never Thought of It That Way

Reclaiming curiosity.

🎧 Listen to Braver Angels Podcast: What Curiosity Can Teach Us

Be well and lead well,

Chantel M. Schieffer
President & CEO
Class of 2010, Masters 2019