The Leading Edge: Grateful - a message from Chantel Schieffer
Sunlight illuminates mountains beneath clouds and reflects in a mountain lake with docked boats
June 30, 2019
Sunlight illuminates mountains beneath clouds and reflects in a mountain lake with docked boats
August 31, 2019
Sunlight illuminates mountains beneath clouds and reflects in a mountain lake with docked boats

New Year, New Goals

Message from president/CEO Chantel Schieffer

Welcome to the New Year! This is always an exciting time at Leadership Montana as we enter a new fiscal and programming year and look ahead to new opportunities for connecting our work to communities across Montana.

The team is just back from our summer meeting, held in Sidney this year, and we have officially adopted a new strategic plan for the 2019-2021 biennium.

Thanks to the input of alumni, participants, sponsors, and founders, this new plan is equally aggressive and realistic. Over the next several months, I will include a newsletter feature highlighting the six primary plan components that include:

  • Increase Organizational and Financial Stability
  • Enhance the Class Program Experience
  • Enhance the Alumni Experience
  • Refine Existing Products
  • Identify New Opportunities for Growth
  • Broaden Marketing Efforts

We are grateful to those who helped us shape this plan through surveys, focus groups, and direct feedback. We know that for many of you the Leadership Montana experience is an important part of your story. Our vision is to ensure that we may continue to create exceptional experiences for you and future participants for years to come.