The Leading Edge: Together - a message from Chantel Schieffer
The Gifts of 2020
December 29, 2020
February 28, 2021


Message from president/CEO Chantel Schieffer

As we welcome the new year, we do so with great anticipation of what the next several months will hold. We are still navigating the challenges of a pandemic, limited abilities to gather, and so much more. Every day provides us new opportunities to lean into listening, learning, and leading. If there is one thing that I know, the importance of connecting and learning together remains a key component to surviving and thriving in this time. Each week I hear words of gratitude from our LMT community for providing many ways to be together even when we are separated.

Whether you are listening to remarkable alumni stories on our podcast, participating in virtual learning through LMT Live, writing and receiving hand written postcards, or joining a class Happy Hour, it is imperative to all of us at Leadership Montana that we provide you ways to connect. We are, after all, in this together.

We took the month of December to reboot and restore our energies to build experiences for you to lean into right now. At the end of this newsletter, you will see opportunities to listen, learn, and connect through several virtual experiences with everything from quick leadership lessons, multi-session workshops, and virtual Celebrate Montana in the spring.

We are all looking forward to seeing you somewhere along the way in 2021 and hope that soon we will gathering more in person that we are online. Until then, we will keep providing you opportunities and giving our gratitude for your presence. Because together we will get through this.

Be well and lead well,

Chantel M. Schieffer
President & CEO
Class of 2010, Masters 2019